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If you have administrator rights, you will see the Admin link at the top of the page. The Admin section allows you to view log files, administer users, and set log levels.

User Management

As discussed in the Users and Groups section, Tank users have specific roles that dictate which actions they're allowed to perform on which entities. Users may have multiple roles, and any user may edit any entity which they own.

User Management

User Management

Assigning Roles

To assign a role to a user, navigate to the Admin section and follow the link to Administer Users. Once you've selected a user to administer, change their roles by moving the desired options from the Available Groups column to the Member Groups column. When finished, click the Save button.

Assigning Roles

Assigning Roles

Log Viewer

The log viewer alows you to see the server logs. It works like the tail Linux command.

Log Viewer

Log Viewer
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