addDays(int days, String format) |
Adds days to the current date. |
1. days : Integer The number of days. Pass in a negative value to subtract days. 2. format : String The date format string to use. If empty, will use default for locale. |
#{dateFunctions.addDays(5,'yyyy-MM-dd')} produces 2011-11-20 on November 15, 2011 |
currentDate(String format, String timeZone) |
Current Date. Get the current date. |
1. format : String The date format string to use. If empty, will use default for locale. 2. timeZone : String (optional) The timezone to use. ()e.g. 'PST', 'America/Los_Angeles', or 'GMT'). If empty, will use default for locale. |
#{dateFunctions.currentDate('yyyy-MM-dd', 'PST')} produces 2011-11-15 on November 15, 2014 |
currentTimeMilis() |
Gets the current Time in miliseconds since January 1, 1970. (Unix epoch time) |
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#{dateFunctions.currentTimeMilis()} produces a long number like 1357842009812 |