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Functions and Variables

Functions can be used to manipulate data during test execution. They can be used anywhere in place of a Value.

Functions and Variables both use the same format. They start with either a # or $ and then are enclosed in parentheses. e.g. #{functionType.function(param, param2)} or ${functionType.function(param, param2)}. Variables have no parentheses. e.g. #{varName}

Functions or variables can be nested in other functions.
e.g. #{stringFunctions.toBase64(ioFunctions.getFileData(fileName)}
In this example the variable is fileName which is passed to the getFileDataFunction which is passed to the toBase64 function.

Example: Using Functions
  • Declaring the function #{stringFunctions.concat('Intuit ', 'Tank ',' Rocks')} would yield Intuit Tank Rocks.
  • Declaring the function #{numericFunctions.mod(authId, 10)} with the variable ${authId} defined as 51would result in 51 % 10 = 1.

Types of Functions

There are 6 built in function types.

  • ioFunctions
  • stringFunctions
  • dateFunctions
  • monetaryFunctions
  • numericFunctions
  • taxFunctions
Tip: Types of Functions and their usage

Check out the sub-sction Types of Functions on the left navigation bar for Information on each Function Type and their usage.

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