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String Functions

Method Definition Description Parameters Example
concat(String ... values) Concatenates the given strings values: Strings(comma seperated) The strings to concatenate #{stringFunctions.concat('Turbo', 'Scale', ' Rocks')} will return Turbo Scale Rocks
substring(String subject, int start, int stop) Returns a new string that is a substring of subject. The substring begins at the specified start and extends to the character at index stop - 1. Thus the length of the substring is stop-start. 1. subject: String the string from which the substring is to be found (required) 2. start: Integer the start index for the substring(inclusive) (required) 3. stop: Integer the index at which to end the substring(exclusive) (optional) #{stringFunctions.substring('hello world', 6)} returns world and #{stringFunctions.substring('hello world', 0, 5)} returns hello
substringBetween(String subject, String open, String close, int index) Returns the String that is nested in between two Strings. 1. subject: String the string from which the substring is to be found (required) 2. open: the String before the substring, may be null (if null will return the substring before the first occurance of the close param) (required) 3.close: the String after the substring, may be null (if null will return the substring after the last occurance of the open param) (required) 4. index: the zero based index of the string to return. (optional) #{stringFunctions.substringBetween('yabcz', 'y', 'z')} returns abc and #{stringFunctions.substringBetween('yabcz ydefz', 'y', 'z', 1)} returns def
randomAlphaLower(int length) Generates a random string consisting of lower case alphabets of given length length: Integer the length of the random string -
randomAlphaUpper(int length) Generates a random string consisting of upper case alphabets of given length length: Integer the length of the random string -
randomAlphaMixed(int length) Generates a random string consisting of lower and upper case alphabets of given length length: Integer the length of the random string -
randomAlphaNumeric(int length) Generates a random string consisting of numerals of given length length: Integer the length of the random string -
randomAlphaSpecial(int length) Generates a random string consisting of special characters of given length length: Integer the length of the random string -
randomAlphaMixedNumeric(int length) Generates a random string consisting of lower and upper case alphabets and numerals of given length |length`: Integer the length of the random string -
randomAlphaMixedSpecial(int length) Generates a random string consisting of lower and upper case alphabets and special characters of given length length: Integer the length of the random string -
randomAlphaMixedNumericSpecial(int length) Generates a random string consisting of lower and upper case alphabets, numerals and special characters of given length length: Integer the length of the random string -
userIdDate(int prefixLength, String format) Generates a Random String suitable for a user ID by combining a random character string and a date 1. prefixLength: Integer (required) The number of characters to use for the prefix. 2. format: String (required) The date format string to use. #{stringFunctions.userIdDate(4,'yyyy-MM-dd')} produces GdGE2011-11-15 on November 15, 2011
userIdFromDate(int prefixLength, String format) Generates a Random String suitable for a user ID by combining a random character string and a date 1. prefixLength: Integer (required) The number of characters to use for the prefix. 2. format: String (required) The date format string to use. #{stringFunctions.userIdFromDate(4,'yyyy-MM-dd')} produces GdGE2011-11-15 on November 15, 2011
userIdFromRange(int minId, int maxId) Generates a Integer user Id from the given range. Will distribute these ids equally among the different agents. 1. minId: Integer (required) The minmum id of the range. 2.maxId: Integer (required) The maximum id of the range. #{stringFunctions.userIdFromRange(1,1000)} produces an unique integer between 1 and 1000
toBase64(String toEncode) Will encode the given string to base64 format toEncode: String the string to base 64 encoding -
fromBase64(String toDecode) Will decode the given string from base64 format toDecode: String the base64 string to decode -
urlEncode(String toEncode) Will encode the given string using URLEncoder toEncode: String the string to encode -
urlDecode(String toDecode) Will decode the given string Using URLDecoder toDecode: String the encoded string to decode -
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