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Jira Plugin

Include links to Jira stories in your changelogs.

This plugin will create links to Jira stories using the following syntax in a pull request title:

JIRA-123: My pull request title
[JIRA-123]: My pull request title
JIRA-123: My pull request title
[JIRA-123]: My pull request title


This plugin is not included with the auto CLI installed via NPM. To install:

npm i --save-dev @auto-it/jira
# or
yarn add -D @auto-it/jira
npm i --save-dev @auto-it/jira
# or
yarn add -D @auto-it/jira


To use the plugin include it in your .autorc

  "plugins": [
    ["jira", { "url": "" }],
    // or
    ["jira", ""]
  "plugins": [
    ["jira", { "url": "" }],
    // or
    ["jira", ""]