Set the status on a PR commit
Flag | Type | Description |
--sha | String | Specify a custom git sha. Defaults to the HEAD for a git repo in the current repository |
--pr | Number | PR to set the status on. Detects PR number in CI |
--url | String | URL to associate with this status |
--state | String | State of the PR. ['pending', 'success', 'error', 'failure'] |
--description | String | A description of the status |
--context | String | A string label to differentiate this status from others |
--dry-run , -d | Boolean | Report what command will do but do not actually do anything |
auto pr-status \\ --state pending \\ --description "Build still running..." \\ --context build-check
auto pr-status \\ --state pending \\ --description "Build still running..." \\ --context build-check