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Magic-Zero Plugin

A plugin that closely adheres to semver versioning for 0.0.x and 0.x.y releases.

In the default auto experience the patch, minor, and major only increment the corresponding digit in the version. The rules for incrementing version < 1.0.0 are not as intuitive or agreed upon. This plugin adds a new label (graduate) and changes auto's behavior to do the following:


Starting version: 0.0.1

patch => 0.0.2
minor => 0.0.2
major => 0.0.2
graduate => 0.1.0


Starting version: 0.1.0

patch => 0.1.1
minor => 0.1.1
major => 0.2.0
graduate => 1.0.0

Once you're project is >= 1.0.0 this plugin effectively does nothing.


This plugin is not included with the auto CLI installed via NPM. To install:

npm i --save-dev @auto-it/magic-zero
# or
yarn add -D @auto-it/magic-zero
npm i --save-dev @auto-it/magic-zero
# or
yarn add -D @auto-it/magic-zero


  "plugins": [
    // other plugins
  "plugins": [
    // other plugins



The label to graduate a version to the next left 0 digit.

  "plugins": [
    ["magic-zero", { "label": "super major" }]
    // other plugins
  "plugins": [
    ["magic-zero", { "label": "super major" }]
    // other plugins

If you want to customize the label color/description you must define the label in your .autorc.

  "plugins": [
    ["magic-zero", { "label": "super major" }]
    // other plugins
  "labels": [
      "name": "super major",
      "description": "Graduate a version to the next left 0 digit",
      "releaseType": "major",
      "color": "#000"
  "plugins": [
    ["magic-zero", { "label": "super major" }]
    // other plugins
  "labels": [
      "name": "super major",
      "description": "Graduate a version to the next left 0 digit",
      "releaseType": "major",
      "color": "#000"